January 13, 2012

the crafter

this is me. my name is elsa--not elise, not allison, and not eliza, like the rest of the world seems to think.   i'm often referred to as el by my lovely jace & jen. and like my name, i am a bit different as well. but also, like my name, i love it. 
the secrets of my life, in a few lines: 
1. anything that can be created with my hands is my passion.  i call it crafting. my father calls it the mess on the kitchen table.

2. i look just like my mother. southern woman often mistake us for twins. 

3. i am LDS. i love my religion. 

4. i'm absolutely terrified of birds. you think i'm joking. i'm not. 

5. i love to travel and not know a blessed soul in a new country. it appeals to my introverted side. 

6. Ask anyone that knows me well what my favorite thing is, and they'll tell you that its Harry Potter. 

7. when its really late at night, i talk in my southern accent. 

8. current aspiration in life: photojournalist for national geographic. it will make the college degree much more worth it.

9. i judge a man's attractiveness by his shoes.  

10. i'm obsessed with bow ties. since i'm a girl, it translates to bows.

1 comment:

  1. It always makes me feel so good when you give me (genetic) credit for your loveliness. Thank you :) (for you: Mom the unknown)
